Rudi Saldia, Kurir Unik Antarkan Paket Ditemani sang Kucing Kesayangan

Seorang Kurir membawa seekor kucing dibahunya ketika sedang mengirimkan paketnya. Rudi Saldia, terinspirasi tokoh kartun yang sangat populer yaitu Postman Pat, yang mengirim paket dengan ditemani oleh seekor kucing.

Saldia, bersama kucing peliharaannya, MJ, yang setia berada di bahunya menyusuri kota Philadelphia untuk mengantarkan surat-surat dan paket.

MJ, singkatan dari Mary Jane, tidak seperti kucing lainnya yang senang beristirahat di rumah. Namun, MJ sudah menemukan tempat terbaiknya yaitu di bahu Saldia.

Sudah enam bulan lamanya MJ bersama dengan Saldia mengantarkan paket keseluruh kota.

“MJ adalah kucing pertama saya dan seorang teman mengatakan saya bisa melatih kucing itu untuk duduk dibahu saya,” ujar kurir untuk IDS ini, seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Jumat (8/11/2012).

“Hari pertama kami berhasil mengantarkan paket satu blok. Hari berikutnya kami berhasil dua blok dan sekarang bisa kita lakukan sekitar 25 mil dengan MJ berada di bahu saya,” ujar Saldia.

Saldia mengatakan, orang-orang selalu senang dan ingin membelainya serta terpesona melihat MJ tiba dengan sepeda.

Hal ini sama seperti animasi Postman Pat pendahulu mereka dan Jesse Cat. Saldia dan MJ tidak dapat dipisahkan. 

The cat and its Pat: The 25-year-old delivery man began cycling with MJ - short for Mary Jane - on his shoulder for six months
The cat and its Pat: The 25-year-old delivery man began cycling with MJ - short for Mary Jane - a few months ago
Ruffling fur: MJ loves the buzz of the streets of Philadelphia and only gets scared of the odd siren
Ruffling fur: MJ loves the buzz of the streets of Philadelphia and only gets scared of the odd siren
'Pat' and cat: MJ the cat perches on courier Rudi Salida's shoulder as he delivers parcels around Philadelphia
Commuting kitty: MJ perches on courier Rudi Salida's shoulder before getting back on the bike to ride through Philadelphia

Daily ride: MJ follows her owner Rudi to work every day and enjoys the speed of the bike - and the attentions from passers by
Daily ride: MJ follows her owner Rudi to work every day and enjoys the speed of the ride - and the attention from passers by

Signed, sealed, delivered: Customers are often surprised when they notice the feline of Rudi's shoulder
Rudi Salida delivers with MJ
Signed, sealed, delivered: People are often surprised when they notice the feline of Rudi's shoulder  and she gets more than her share of daily cuddles from delighted customers

Surprising sight: Pedestrians, drivers and other bikers often double take when they see Rudi and MJ on the street
Surprising sight: Other road users often double take when they see Rudi and Mary Jane on the street

The original pair: Postman Pat and his cat companion Jess
The original pair: Postman Pat and his cat companion Jess

Nightrider: It took Rudi months of training to get MJ used to travelling on his shoulder, and now the pair easily manages 25 miles
Nightrider: It took Rudi months of training to get MJ used to travelling on his shoulder, and now the pair easily manages 25 miles

Hitching a ride: Mary Jane fiercely protecting her favourite spot
Hitching a ride: Mary Jane fiercely protecting her favourite spot

Bike team: Rudi and MJ hope to be able to do 100 mile rides by next September
Bike team: Rudi and MJ hope to be able to do 100 mile rides by next September

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Post Title : Rudi Saldia, Kurir Unik Antarkan Paket Ditemani sang Kucing Kesayangan

Rudi Saldia, Kurir Unik Antarkan Paket Ditemani sang Kucing Kesayangan,

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